The contemplative concentration (CC) at TAS is proposed as a voluntary, two year series of classes, retreats, and trainings that introduce the student to a range of meditative practices, spiritual traditions, and psychological perspectives.

It is open to older students who must first take an orientation to the program and then apply to join. The CC should be an excellent way to deepen the student's own practice and also his or her understanding of several spiritual and social justice traditions, including secular-humanist and other non-deist perspectives.

Each student will have the opportunity to consciously develop mindfulness in many different settings, not just in meditation. Martial arts and yoga help with ground the individual in the physical present. Retreats combine different practices and perspectives on mindfulness through cooking, self-care, care of others, the observation of nature, and the study and discussion of art, poetry, and spiritual texts.

Academic classes both teach intellectual material and encourage a conscious relationship with the teacher. In this program, the student is given direct instruction and ample support in being conscious and compassionate in every aspect of his or her life.

TAS would like to note that this framework is directly based on John Daido Loori's Eight Gates of Zen, the training matrix for the Zen Mountain Monastery.


(at least 3 trimesters in addition to the daily morning session)

Seated meditation is the fundamental practice of Zen. Though it we become both attuned to and detached from the insistent tumult of mental life. Students will be given both direct instruction and opportunities to work with experienced practioners. A personal, daily practice will be cultivated.

Body Practice

Zen Sword (at least 1 trimester)

Shim Gum Do is a complete system of “action meditation”. During the school day we offer Zen Sword. There are evening classes in Karate and self-defense (Shim Boep and Ho Shin Sul, respectively). This martial art is not only excellent physical conditioning, it builds concentration and emotional stability. There are small additional fees for this instruction.

Yoga (at least 1 trimester)

Yoga at TAS is taught with special sensitivity towards the needs and perspectives of teenages. Relaxation, body awareness, as well as the development of a personal routine are the emphasis.

Stress Reduction Training

Stress is often intensified as a product of diminished self-awareness, inadequate self-soothing skills, counter-productive habits, and “stuck thinking”. There are many easily taught, effective techniques to remedy chronic stress. This is very important to learn while young.


Retreats will be scheduled regularly throughout the school year and summer. They will include visits to the Shim Gum Do temple in Boston and the Zen Mountain Monastery in the Catskills of upstate New York.

Spring Retreat, Boston, MA (required)

A weekend at the main temple of Shim Gum Do will include direct instruction from master teachers, including Zen master Chang Sik Kim, temple meals, instruction from senior students, and of course plenty of sight seeing in one of America’s loveliest cities.

Autumn Retreat, Pine Hill, NY (required)

A weekend spent in meditation with nature at a simple, but comfortable house at the foot of Bell Ayre Mountain. We will be cultivating our body and sitting practice, as well as communal cooking and eating. There will be nature walks up the mountain and a trip to the source of the Delaware River. We will also be visiting the Zen Mountain Monastery for Sunday morning service.

Evening Retreats (required)

(see description at bottom right)

Overnight Retreat at TAS

This is a simple overnight retreat that begins with an evening Shim Gum Do class from a master teacher, then a period of mindful food preparation and meal-taking. We will watch a film together, and have ample treats, followed by an brief evening period of zazen. We will wake early for more sitting and prepare for the school day.

School day retreats (one each month)

This retreat takes place unobtrusively during the school day. Each CC student will be paying extra-attention to his or her service to fellow students as well as being mindful in every activity. Brief, frequent periods of sitting and checking-in will be scheduled throughout the day.


Comparative Religion (1 trimester)

Psychology (1 trimester)

Asian Philosophies (proposed)

Buddhism (proposed)

The Old Testament (1 trimester)

These classes consider the outer and inner expression of belief, values, and experience. These classes are open to all students but are required for CC students.

Exploration of various spiritual traditions (field trips)

Throughout the school year we will be visiting temples, synagogues, zendos, and churches, and well has receiving visitors from other traditions.

Exploration of various spiritual traditions (reading group)

An easy going and informal group reading of texts from various traditions

Social Justice and Community Involvement

Psychology Senior Seminar (1 trimester)

CC students will learn the basic skills of peer and co-counseling, as well as learning about different communication styles and cultural lenses. A particular emphasis is on identifying the seriousness of a crisis and establishing clear boundaries.

Community Outreach

All CC students will provide volunteer hours through one of several social justice or daily care programs in the area.

Art Practice

Art, Writing, and Music Instruction

Poetry, Sound, and Art Workshops

The arts have always been profoundly associated with spiritual cultivation and contemplative practice. Each student will try a hand in all the arts, but will be expected to intensively cultivate one, under the guidance of a teacher.

Work Practice

The maintenance of the school’s vegetable, flower, and zen garden will be a major part of this practice, in addition to the various cleaning and cooking periods throughout the school week.

Monday, July 20, 2009

As You Can See...

We have been getting some work done here. Please leave comments or, if you'd rather, send me an email ( This whole program is only just taking shape, so jump in early.

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